Thursday, August 5, 2010

Step 2: Complete

I had the pelvic & transvaginal ultrasound done this morning.  Downing 32 oz. of water within 30 minutes wasn't as gross as I thought.  Actually complying with those instructions won me huge points at the lab.  They said most people don't drink that much liquid, lie about it, but the tech can always tell.

I had it done at the same hospital where the blood draws were done.  The registration staff still remembered me which is always a good sign.  As all you pregnant ladies know, there's not much to the pelvic ultrasound although with a full bladder it's kind of uncomfortable.  The only time the transvaginal was annoying was when the tech (she looked just like me which I found interesting) angled the wand at such a high angle that it was pushing down on my cervix and up on my pubic bone.  That hurt.

I knew she wasn't supposed to interpret the images but she did tell me what structures were which.  Her demeanor seemed a little off which worried me thinking she'd seen something abnormal but I'd never met her before so didn't know if that was her normal.  The radiologist is supposed to analyze the images today and I'll get the results tomorrow (best case.)  It's going to Dr. Del.gado's office who has not called me back from the last time when I emailed them my copies of the blood test results and my homemade interpretive graph.  I'm better off getting the results myself and sending to the doctor.

Since today is CD 12 I'm hoping they'll see some signs of impending ovulation. Who knows if they'll even look for that although the tech did ask the first day of my cycle.  BTW, I've gone back to charting.  ;)

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