Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I heard it through the grapevine...

I read on the internet somewhere that one of the good things about unexplained infertility is that the rates of pregnancy are higher for this group.  You just don't have any idea of when it's going to happen.  Inevitably when P+10+ comes around, I'm anxious that "this time it might be different."  If I have the energy today, I might pop into a drug store and get a HPT.  Wasted money maybe but I think about all the savings I've accumulated by not getting pregnant 10 months ago.  What's $10???  At least I'll know and won't have to stress about the unknown.

I told my husband a couple weeks ago that we should institute a "We're Not Pregnant Again" ritual.  I suggested he takes me on a sushi date on every CD 1.  What's a better way to celebrate not being pregnant by partaking in activities pregnant women should not do?  I [heart] sushi.  Yum.


  1. You are so funny! I hate suishi, but love your line of thinking. Here's to the hope that you WON'T be eating suishi for a VERY long time. God Bless!

  2. hahaha, this is hilarious! I might start the same thing! I love sushi! For cheap HPT look at this website

  3. I love me some sushi and I love the idea of "we're not pregnant" ritual! However, I hope that y'all aren't able to have too many more of these! ;)

  4. Thanks, ladies! JBTC, a little soy sauce and wasabi with your salmon is total heaven, IMO. If God loves me, He'll feed me that when I arrive.

  5. I really really really like that idea! Although for me- ti'd be a sonic vanilla coke. I do love me some high fructose corn syrup!

  6. Just found your blog through Lauren's. Love the "not pregnant"--me, I have a glass of wine on CD 1!

  7. This is a great idea! Love it! Also, thank you so much for the scarf! It's lovely and I'm definitely going to be getting lots of use out of it with my Montana winters!
