Thursday, September 2, 2010

And I, I don't, didn't think we'd end up like, like this

  1. I want to say thank you for the prayer bouquet, ladies.  It's been terribly lovely to open Reader and see all those purple posters on the ladies blogs saying I might be a target for prayer.  For someone who only shares their feelings about infertility on the web :) it's very comforting.
  2. Dr. Sti.gen is on vacation this week but I need to set up a phone consult with her to go over some questions about the laparoscopy.  
    1. Shouldn't you do a pelvic exam to see if you can palpate any endometriosis? 
    2. Did you see anything on the ultrasound images that looked like possible endometriosis?
  3. My plan to play it cool didn't work out so well.  I'm not a saleswoman and I take no interest in being evasive in order to manipulate.  I'm not saying it doesn't happen sometimes, it just doesn't happen regularly.

I stopped charting this month but I know I'm at CD 13 today.  I've also stopped checking the mucus status several times a day, just noticing what's plainly obvious.  There hasn't been much there despite my still obsessive use of Fertile CM.  This morning, my husband tried to seduce me around 5am.  This was too early for me but by 6:15am, I turned the tables.

[Husband] Do you have stretchy mucus?
[Me] I don't know.
[Husband] (Becoming more insistent) How could you not know?
[Me] (Getting frustrated) I really don't want to talk about this now.

Later in the morning I was upset by comments that we shouldn't have had sex but worked on getting rid of the computer viru.s I seem to have downloaded on my home PC.  I swear sometimes I feel like I'm that character in the Joy Luck Club.  At this point, I was quite upset and just trying not to cry away the mascara I'd just applied.  I was trying to explain to the husband what not charting meant to me.  He seemed to believe I was still checking mucus.  So much for taking the relaxed approach.

My husband and I are the two most tense people in the world.  And we thought it was a good idea to marry one another. :)  So, it ended with him saying he was leaving for the day, and I didn't say goodbye for fear of just uttering the word goodbye would put tears in my cereal.

Tori Amos's record label must have put the smack down on YouTube users who uploaded her videos in violation of copyright.  This sucks big time for me since I find her songs a great comfort in times of trial and frustration.

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