Monday, June 7, 2010

Moving to the next stage

While today was supposed to be the day I would confirm a pregnancy, it was not to be and it's now CD4. I called my NFP instructor Friday afternoon. She's sometimes flaky so it's Monday and I'm not surprised I haven't heard from her. I did some research the only way I could (the internet) and have a new NaPro doctor about three hours away from me and the appointment is this Friday. The last one I saw, I was not impressed with. I'm trying to put together a diagnostic plan for myself based on the information I'm reading from other Catholic women in similar positions. I'm hoping to save myself money and time by not getting tests done that would seem completely unnecessary for me.

So, while I have no physical symptoms that would suggest I have a problem, I'm sure that something is impeding our ability to get pregnant. I'm all for patience but seven months of (what's the term?) lots of "renewing the marriage covenant" during fertile mucus days is coming up with zippo. I complained before about my age being the problem, I strongly doubt this is the case now. We all make mistakes!

I really do have a lot more going on in my life than what I lead readers to believe. It's just easy and helpful to express my utter frustration here since I don't tell anyone except my best friend and husband just how awful these experiences feel. I do my job, I show up to the places I promised to be, I help out where I can, I'm trying to give this burden over to God.

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