Monday, November 19, 2012

Recommended reading for the involuntary childless couple

For those of you who are involuntarily childless, I recommend reading the short article linked above.  Essentially, because it takes quite a bit of money to raise children, if you don't have them, you theoretically can save a certain amount on those costs.  I found it to be a good psychological pick-me-up if you're at the stage where you've accepted your situation and are looking for things to be happy about other than being able to sleep in on the weekends or have sex with your husband in the kitchen whenever you feel like it.  (And I consider that a major bonus of infertility.)

Certainly computing the financial costs of having and raising children is not putting an implicit value on the experience.  I think anybody who wants children whether they have them or not believes in the worthiness of the experience.


  1. Thanks for sharing! The upside of infertility :)

  2. There are benefits- it's good to see you celebrating them. I would give up all the extra stuff we do and buy because we only have one child. But, I do enjoy the sporting events, vacations and outings. Might as well! Love the kitchen remark too ;)

  3. HA!!!

    Yes. There are perks. Although my kitchen is under construction, so...
