
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Faith in Church Somewhat Restored: The Archbishop Replies


  1. Wow you got a response back, awesome! I love that he is open to ideas about addressing the issue and he was very thoughtful and compassionate.

  2. That is awesome! Thank you for sharing the letter.

  3. That really is awesome. Maybe the family life office will actually do something with this!

  4. Awesome response. It does not sit with me well that anyone could compare a g.ay couple to a heterosexual couple that can not conceive a child or say that we are a like. What? I'm glad the Archbishop explained this....I feel somewhat better.

    I am a woman of faith and as long as my church sees our union as what it is intended to be and will never put us in the same boat as g.ay couples...than I don't give a rats patuty what the secular world thinks. Amen?
